English homework help

Exploring current events, media, social media, and other forms of pop culture.

READ | Pages 189-203 Throughout the quarter you will be tasked with exploring current events, media, social media, and other forms of pop culture to analyze and document in your pop culture journal (you will be posting your journal entry to your peer discussion group on Canvas each week it is due, but it may be

Exploring current events, media, social media, and other forms of pop culture. Read More »

Reading Journal

For this Reading Journal: In a Word document, read and write a labeled paragraph Reading Journal for the following: Chapters 4 and 7-9 in Everything’s an Argument Chapters 1-4 in Little Brown Handbook In a nutshell:   A reading journal is a summary paragraph of the key points from your assigned reading. It is an effective

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Argument Essay

Argument Essay (Formative) Educational psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth argues that intelligence and talent are overrated as determinants of long-term success and that the most important predictor of achievement is a trait called grit, which she defines as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” Duckworth further notes that the “gritty individual approaches achievement as a marathon;

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