
Why will children learning a second language in school find that task so difficult when we know that all children learn their first language with almost no effort?

Question 1: Chapter 2 Why will children learning a second language in school find that task so difficult when we know that all children learn their first language with almost no effort? Of all factors affecting acquisition in classrooms, which ones do you feel are the most difficult to overcome? Why?

Why will children learning a second language in school find that task so difficult when we know that all children learn their first language with almost no effort? Read More »

Why childhood education (kindergarten) is important

-Why childhood education (kindergarten) is important (include sources from Froebel) (2pgs) -Boundaries to learning: Fine motor skills, cognitive, (2 pgs) -Opportunities to learn: Definitions, linguistics, skill, aesthetic, history (2pgs) -Defining play, what makes play, play? (about children not needing to have high skills when it comes to play based learning) (1pg) -Historical Perceptions of Play

Why childhood education (kindergarten) is important Read More »

Select a program or initiative now in place or being planned in your organization or an organization of your choice.

Select a program or initiative now in place or being planned in your organization or an organization of your choice. Research the purpose, goals, and financial and resource allocations for the program or initiative. In a 3-5-page essay (not including the title and references pages), reflect on the role of leadership in achieving and evaluating

Select a program or initiative now in place or being planned in your organization or an organization of your choice. Read More »

Do parents and teachers educational level/background affect students learning outcome? and “particularly questions of interest to you”.

Question: Conduct a selective literature search and reflective review of primarily journal articles on this research topic “Do parents and teachers educational level/background affect students learning outcome? and “particularly questions of interest to you”. NOTE: Content based on an integration of your experiences with the literature, and 2) references and articles should be recent or

Do parents and teachers educational level/background affect students learning outcome? and “particularly questions of interest to you”. Read More »

Common Core Standards.

Research and read 2 peer-reviewed journal articles about the Common Core Standards. One article should support using the Common Core Standards and one article should be opposed to the use of the Common Core Standards. Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following: Summarize the main points of each article. Share your own experiences

Common Core Standards. Read More »

Qualitative Research Study on Teacher Stress and Burnout

Topic: Qualitative Research Study on Teacher Stress and Burnout Keywords: Psychological stress, emotional well-being, burnout, and coping strategies Problem: Teacher shortage, teachers leaving field, and the need for increase retention Methodology: Interviews from current high school teachers What is it that they need from the school district (central office and school administrators) This is a

Qualitative Research Study on Teacher Stress and Burnout Read More »