The Man Who Got Honeywell’s Groove Backt

You can view the article (the case), “The Man Who Got Honeywell’s Groove Backt”, by linking to the course EReserves 

Follow the Case Analysis Outline given in your syllabus. This is a take-home, open-book, open-notes exam. You are on your personal honor to make sure your answers to the Case Analysis Outline are entirely and completely your own. If you do not honor this, you will fail this Assignment.  Use no other references other than Business Week article, 1 page background attached, your text and any resource materials on the course web site. Limit your response to no more than ten double spaced APA style pages (One inch Margins, 12 pitch, Times New Roman font) exclusive of cover page and an Appendix that includes any Figures or Tables. Attach a cover sheet with your name on it. DO NOT PUTYOUR NAME ON YOUR RESPONSE PAGES.  Your paper should be attached as a .doc, .docx or .pdf in the Assignment by the stated due date in your course schedule.

You may draw on and apply in your OB analysis the assigned course material up to the due date of the exam. See the Case Analysis Resources folder on the course web site for a copy of the Case Analysis Outline Worksheets, an explanation of how to do a situation analysis, sample presentations that include sample vision/purpose/ mission/ values statements and stakeholder analyses. Also included are examples of a Final Team Case Project. All of these are resources to draw on that show you how to conduct a case analysis. Feel free to use any of the Power Point slides (e.g., the stakeholder map slide).

In particular, see the sample Individual Case Exams on Robin Hood and Coke. It will give you an idea of the type of organizational behavior analysis that is expected (Section 3 of the Case Analysis Outline) along with how to offer alternatives (Section 4) and discuss the implementation of your recommended alternative (Sections 5 & 6).


A few tips to get you started:  assume  Mr. Cote is in the middle of the stakeholder map.   Your situational and stakeholder analysis will show you the gaps, if any, he has created in aligning with the vision/mission/values of the organization and likewise your stakeholder analysis will show gaps, if any, in stakeholder expectations not being met.  Be clear what those gaps are in section 1.  Then frame your management question around those gaps.  In Section 3 you need to choose 3 organizational behavior frameworks we have already covered in the class, you can include Chapters 2, 3 and 4 covered this week if you want.  Moving on to Section 4, you will suggest alternative actions and pros/cons of each, Mr. Cote can take, given how the frameworks inform the analysis.  In Section 5 you will choose the alternative you recommend and say why.  Finally, in Section 6 you will provide an Implementation Plan.

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