Explain why the comprehension competencies of young children are challenging to measure.

I am in Normal Speech and Language development for Speech-Language Pathology and we are doing a cast study. There needs to be 3 citations, one has to be from the book. I will send you a file of my last case study that I made a 100 on so you can follow that. It has to be in APA format. I will also provide photos of the chapter and case studies in the chapter. Here is the prompt: This assignment is intended to show evidence that the student has achieved or is working on the following learning objectives:
Identify developmental principles of language comprehension.
Explain why the comprehension competencies of young children are challenging to measure.
Become familiar with techniques for standardized assessment of language comprehension.
For this assignment, you will do the following:
Review the language comprehension skills of the case studies for Johnathon, Josephine, and Robert. The case studies are located within this week’s chapter.
For each case discuss each patient’s comprehension of single words, semantic relationships, and syntax.
Also, include in your discussion, your interpretation of the assessment results for each case.
Submit assignment on a Word Document with a cover page and reference page.

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